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CyberCube's diverse expertise can help you understand your cyber risk from all sides. Our blogs cover a range of topics, such as market trends, recent cyber attacks and what they mean for the insurance industry, as well as how to best leverage cyber risk analytics within your organization.
  • John Anderson

Cyber study for TRIA anniversary

TRIA plays a key role for insurance firms as a US federal backstop that affords a cap on loss for qualifying lines of business impacted by acts of terrorism.
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  • Oliver Brew

A great day out in the Isle of Dogs countryside...

The 1st UK CyberCube volunteer day took place outdoors at the Mudchute Farm & Park in the Isle of Dogs.
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  • Brittany Baker

Giving voice to "silent" cyber

There is still a long way to go before the industry reaches a consensus on how to holistically handle this silent cyber risk. 
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  • Charlotte Anderson

Avast breach highlights supply chain attack threat

Several news outlets reported that Avast, a firm owning 10% of global market share for anti-virus solutions, was breached through an insecure VPN account.
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  • Yvette Essen

Data privacy regulation a cost burden but nonetheless important

The cyber market is facing a shifting regulatory environment leading to a higher cost base, but such legislation is important and lessons can be learnt.
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  • John Anderson

Deciphering an eight-hour business interruption outage

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently reported that it suffered an eight-hour outage from a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
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  • Yvette Essen

Why model divergence among software providers is actually a positive thing

Model divergence is a good thing and is more valuable than all software providers producing the same numbers.
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  • Laurel Di Silvestro

The changing cyber underwriting landscape for small risks – Where do cyber risk models, and data delivery technology solutions fit?

The insurance industry faces disruptions to figure out how to underwrite these risks while accessing info on vulnerability data & risk mitigation processes
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  • Oren Schetrit

Brokers: How to make cyber risk advisory part of the routine

What can brokers do to help their clients manage each of these 3 factors and reduce their loss cost?
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  • John Anderson

The Challenges of Underwriting Large Risk

Challenges of underwriting large risk
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  • Oliver Brew

UK Three network outage: mobile users impacted far and wide

A significant network outage by mobile operator Three occurred last October and affected voice, data and text usage and was reported right across the UK.
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Trevor Maynard
  • Yvette Essen

Lloyd’s Head of Innovation, Trevor Maynard, calls for sharing cyber risk data to benefit all

The need for the insurance industry to share data to deepen understanding of cyber risks was one of the main points highlighted by Trevor Maynard.
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