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Cloud computing: busting some myths

At CyberCube, we believe that having Cloud-based solutions allows us to build a platform that is designed to scale and highly available across geographies

  • 1 Minute Read

I’ve spent the majority of my career at the forefront of software engineering, working with companies that were early adopters of new technologies and software solutions. 

So, it is not surprising that CyberCube drew my attention as a forward-thinking software-as-a-service company bringing cloud-based solutions to the insurance market. But, what seems like a logical choice to me - migrating data and processes to the Cloud - is not a slam-dunk for our clients. 

Last month, I took part in a webinar with John Jones – CTO of nClouds, Patrick Thielen – SVP, Cyber and Technology E&O Product Lead at Chubb and Sai Reddy Thangirala – Manager, Partner Solutions Architecture at Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

We discussed some of the apprehensions companies may have in moving to the Cloud, including the cost and time in transitioning, dealing with legacy systems and cybersecurity concerns. We also looked at the silver lining in the Cloud: instant global scale, elasticity, agility, operational efficiency, cost-savings, security and speed, among others. 

You can find the recording of the hour-long session here (apologies from Advisen that the first part of the conversation is missing): 

At CyberCube, we believe that having Cloud-based solutions allows us build a platform that is designed to scale and highly available across geographies in cost efficient manner. It also helped us to innovate, develop and evolve our software offering rapidly to meet our growing clients base and their requirements. 

Listen to our webinar and please get in touch if you have any further questions!

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